Friday, October 5, 2012

Man Jadda Wa Jadda

“Man Jadda Wajada” is an arabian motto which means “…Someone who are really serious and persistent about his/her dreams, will succeed….”

We face very tough competition now. If we don’t have extra effort, we will not succeed our goals. Everyone wants to get the best. Everyone wants to be the best. In fact, there will be only a view people who can make it true. It is because the chance available in front of us is very limited.

We have to work harder and harder to reach our goals. It will be, sometimes, a hard fact when our competitors are our best friends. Someone who used to be with us, to help us and to do anything to help us, now, they will compete with us to reach the same limited goals and position.

Sometimes, the competition itself can be so dirty, no matter who the competitors are, so many wrong way can be taken in order to reach this limited chance/goal. In some cases, someone who used to be very nice to us can be so merciless to us because of the competition.

So, what are we going to do if one of our friends get us by dirty ways?
Are we going to do the same things?

NO, the answer is not!!!

whatever it takes, we have to stay on the right way. Do not revenge the bad things with another bad things! It isbecause it will lead more destructions to our life, mentally and even physically, whether directly or indirectly.

We have to stay on the fair way. we have to try and give the best efforts to make our goals come true, but when we fail our goals, it does not matter. Believe me, it doesn’t matter because at least we’ve tried our best. We have to realize that our job is just give some optimal efforts, not to ensure the result. Just try our best, pray for the best and Alloh will gives us the best for our life.

Don’t be so hard about this life…
Think possitively,…
Enjoy our life and go for some great dreams by doing our best!!!

Resources: from Hijrah VGMC Malaysia Community

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